Author: admin

Hanuman Abhishekam

Please review the date of Hanuman Abhishekam from the events page and mention in the sponsoring form

Hanuman Abhishekam
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Devotee should bring the Vadamala

Subrahmanya Abhishekam on Krittika

Please Review the date of Subrahmanya Abhishekam on Krittika Nakshatram before you fill-up in the events page and mention in the form.

"Krittika" Subrahmanya Abhishekam
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Sankatahara Chaturthi

Sankatahara Chaturthi
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Pradoshakala Sivabhishekam and Rudra Trisatinama Archana

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see our temple monthly events flyer to select a date of the Pradosham
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Monday Sivabhishekam

Every Monday Rudrabhishek is performed in the evening at 6:30 pm followed by Archana, Harati and Anna Prasad at around 8:15 pm. Devotees can sponsor one day Anna Prasad on any special occassions or in remembrance of the elders. If you wish to sponsor Rudrabhishek and/or Anna Prasad for any Monday please visit Annadan on Monday page.




Monday Sivabhishekam
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